Spinal Touch Therapy
Bring your bones & muscles into alignment
A powerful technique, spinal touch therapy helps retrain the body to achieve relaxation. When muscles are tight, they pull bones out of alignment, and the purpose of spinal touch is to guide muscles to realign.
Through gentle, deep strokes, soft tissues will be redirected to move into normal alignment, affecting the body as a whole.
Benefits of this type of healing massage:
Reduce headache & neck pain
May reduce insomnia
Improve digestion
Reduce joint pain
Increase energy & libido
Reduce balance problems
Reduce pins & needles
May help asthma symptoms
Undo spinal distortions
By working directly with the soft tissues, spinal touch therapy can undo tension and postrual distortions. You’ll feel more aligned and stress is reduced on joints throughout the body.
Restoring your body’s center of gravity works holistically to correct tension that is pulling you out of balance, and change is often seen with just a couple of treatments, depending on severity.
Ready to feel better than ever?
Unwind, relieve pain, & relax
Portland, OREGON | Salt Lake City, Utah | North Carolina | South Carolina