Sports & Athletic Massage

Target muscle recovery & performance

Sports massage uses focused, systematic movements to target muscles used in athletic sports. Sports massage can help during training, rehabilitation, and even with post-performance goals. It also can help decrease the chance of injury or pain during movement. 

Benefits of this type of healing massage:

Increase range of motion

Increase flexibility

Reduce tension in muscles

Relax nerves

Decrease anxiety

Improve sleep quality

Benefits for all types of athletes

No matter what type of sport you are involved in, sports massage can have a serious impact on your performance. It will focus on deep, firm pressure to reach the muscle and deeper connective tissues. 

It can also be targeted to a specific area of the body and combined with stretching to increase benefits. 

Brannigan has worked with athletes of all ages, and would love to see how she can help with your performance goals. 

Ready to feel better than ever?

Unwind, relieve pain, & relax

Portland, OREGON | Salt Lake City, Utah | North Carolina | South Carolina